Wednesday, May 13, 2009

SEO TIPS - having keyword stuffed URLs

Follows just short tips about URLs related to SEO , Because many persons believe that having keyword stuffed URLs will get them really good rankings. This was once the case but is not overly important any more except on Inktomi it would seem. However, if you do want to have keywords in your URLs, go ahead - it's definitely not a bad thing.

Ok, when naming your pages use search-engine-optimization.html rather than searchengineoptimization.html or, even worse, a page name that has no keywords whatsoever. Using under scores (_) will also work in place of hyphens.

When choosing a domain name, go with hyphens if you purely want to drive traffic from search engines. If you want to "brand" the site, especially offline, don't use them. This is up to you. It's not going to make a huge difference overall but it could be the thing that gets you from number 11 to number 10 on the rankings. So weigh up the pros and cons and decide for yourself.

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